
"Cartas do meu Magrebe" published by Tinta da China

Cartas do meu Magrebe by Ernesto de Sousa.
Published by Tinta da China.

Ernesto de Sousa a central character of Portuguese culture, particularly in visual and cinematic arts, is considered the forerunner of the so-called "new cinema". En route to Germany to present his movie Dom Roberto, Ernesto de Sousa made ​​a long detour through the Maghreb. Correspondent of the newspaper Jornal de Notícias, his texts reported a region that went far beyond the political turmoil of the conquest of independence.

Ernesto de Sousa's book was launched with a presentation by Carlos Vaz Marques, Delfim Sardo and Emilia Tavares at FNAC Chiado.

Review by José Riço Direitinho, "Ernesto de Sousa, O Operador Estético", Público: Ípsilon, October 28th, 2011.