

Pormenor de Silêncio Azul, 2004.
Detail of Silêncio Azul, 2004
Pormenor de Silêncio Azul, 2004.
Detail of Silêncio Azul, 2004
Pormenor de Silêncio Azul, 2004.
Detail of Silêncio Azul, 2004
Pormenor de Silêncio Azul, 2004.
Detail of Silêncio Azul, 2004

Fellowship awarded to Ruben Verdadeiro for the project Blue Silence
Honorable Mentions: Patrícia Portela and André Gonçalves
Jury: Phill Niblock, Georg Dietzler, Manuel Costa Cabral, Rui Eduardo Paes, Emanuel Dimas Pimenta, David Maranha and Isabel Alves

Blue Silence

This performance/installation goes through an organic merge of multiple elements, based on simple formulas and living substances; exploring velocities, pauses and negative tempos in the field of Dromology. Its main idea is to give conditions to the audience to intimately guide themselves to their individual and inner search, always having in mind the anthropic principle, i.e., poetry.


Ruben Verdadeiro (Ponta Delgada, 1974) lives and works in Oporto. He studied Comunication Design at the Universidade do Porto. In his practice, he searchs for simplicity, the organic fusion of multiple elements, the complicity that enables the spectators' own interior search. Experiment real time voyages in the universe of dromology; at the anthropic principle and multiple states, somewhere between life, art and science.