
By Ernesto de Sousa


By Ernesto de Sousa

About Ernesto de Sousa

Christmas Cribs, the Sun and other Praises

Lisbon, Bertrand


Re Começar: Almada in Madrid

Lisbon, INCM

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Maternidade: 26 Drawings by Almada Negreiros

Lisbon, INCM


Portuguese Neo-Realist Painting

Lisbon, Artis


For the Study of Portuguese Sculpture

Porto, ECMA 
Lisbon, Livros Horizonte


Lima de Freitas

Lisbon, Artis


Júlio Pomar

Lisbon, Artis


What is Cinema

Lisbon, Arcádia


Cinema Directing

in collaboration with Adelino Cardoso and Fonseca e Costa, Lisbon, Sequência


Film Screenwriting

O Argumento Cinematográfico, Lisbon, Sequência


Ernesto de Sousa, Exercises of Poetic Communication with Other Aesthetic Operators

EGEAC-Galerias Municipais. Organization Lilou Vidal 2022

Ph.06 Ernesto de Sousa

Organition: Cláudio Garrudo. Text: Emília Tavares.

OEI#80-81,Stockholm, Sweden

The Zero Alternative: Ernesto de Sousa and some other aesthetic operators in Portuguese Art and Poetry from the 1960s onwards, 2018

Your Body is my Body - Ernesto de Sousa Poster Collection

Museu Coleção Berardo 2015

Almada, Um Nome de Guerra 1969-1972/1984

Fundação de Serralves, graphic design and organization; Ana Baliza. Exhibition curators João Fernandes, Ricardo Nicolau. Research: Ana Baliza, Jaime Reis

Orality, Future of Art? And Other Texts (1953–1987)

 São Paulo, Escrituras


Letters from My Maghreb

Lisbon, Tinta da China
​Texts originally published in Jornal de Notícias, 1962-63

Text only available in Portuguese


Being Modern... in Portugal

Lisbon, Assírio & Alvim - 2nd edition 2021, Edições do Saguão


A Spear in Venice

(In)Finda (Hors-Série of Fenda magazine)

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January, 1983

Olympia: Fragments of My Amorous Discourse

Sema, nr. 1

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Spring, 1979

Each to His Own in Its Own Time

Opção, nr. 110

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June 1st, 1978

This is Getting Better and Better!

Opção, nr. 106

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May 4th, 1978

Earth, Root, Wind

Opção, nr. 100

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March 23rd, 1978

To Perform

Opção, nr. 101

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March 3rd, 1978

11 Portuguese Artists in Milan

Colóquio-Artes, nr. 36

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March, 1978

A Conscious Creation of Situations: Alternativa Zero

Colóquio-Artes, nr. 34

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October, 1977

Three "Exhibitions" in Poland

Colóquio-Artes, nr. 30

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December, 1976

Vostell in Malpartida

Colóquio-Artes, nr. 30

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December, 1976

Servility, Slander and Opportunism

Vida Mundial, nr. 1873

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August 7th, 1975

The Workers and Anonymity

Vida Mundial, nr. 1871

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June 24th, 1975

The Market, the Critique and the Confusion

Vida Mundial nr. 1832

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October 24th, 1974

Vanguard and Commitment

unpublished or from an unknown publication

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25th AICA Meeting in Yugoslavia

Colóquio Artes, nr. 14

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October, 1973


Lorenti’s, nr. 14

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July, 1973

An Naïve Sculptor

Colóquio-Artes, n.° 61

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December, 1970

Photography: Nostalgia of Painting and Anti-painting

Vida Mundial 

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November 28th, 1969

Almada, Um Nome de Guerra

Revista Arquitectura, nr. 110

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August, 1969

Knowledge of Popular and Modern Art

Revista Arquitectura, nr. 83

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September, 1964

What Do I Know? An Interview with Coronel Boumedienne

unpublished article, written for "Letters from my Maghreb", Jornal de Notícias

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Dov’è la Libertà?

Imagem: Revista de Divulgação Cinematográfica, nr. 24, 2nd series

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November, 1958

D. Quixote and Othello

Imagem: Revista de Divulgação Cinematográfica, 2nd series, nr. 21

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March, 1958

Meeting in Marly

Imagem: Revista de Divulgação Cinematográfica, nr. 17, 2nd series

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June, 1957

Cinema and Painting

Imagem: Revista de Divulgação Cinematográfica, nr. 8

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September, 1954

On Cinema Without Definitions

Imagem, nr. 2, 2nd series

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​February, 1954

Universality in Portuguese Painting

Seara Nova

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June 22nd, 1946

In-different Dialogue on Contemporary Art or the Distractions of Power

Diferença/Diálogo, Lisbon, Cooperativa Diferença–Comunicação Visual

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April, 1985

[The Word and the Letter]

The Word and the Letter [foldout poster], Venice Biennale

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18 x 18 - The “New” Photography

Grafil, Lisbon - June 1978

Do Vazio à Pró Vocação

Expo Aica 72, Lisbon, SNBA

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1st Week of African Art and Folklore

1st Week of African Art and Folklore, Lisbon, Universitary Jazz Club

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January, 1961

Black Art Week

[booklet], Black Art Week, Lisbon, Colonial School

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March, 1946

Letters to Ângelo de Sousa


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1972 and 1973

Letter to the Collaborators of Nós Não Estamos Algures

Audio recording, Lisboa

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December, 1969

Letter to Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos


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January 15th, 1969

The role of Fiiineeeee Arrrrtsss


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About Ernesto de Sousa

I live at Travessa do Fala-Só

Leonel Moura, O GLOBO (suplemento semanal de cultura)

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Ernesto de Sousa: an Anti-film, Almada, Um Nome de Guerra

Carlos Morais, Diário de Lisboa

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August 15th, 1971

Interview to Jornal de Letras e Artes


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September 7th, 1968

The evolution of Ernesto de Sousa: from Prussian Blue to Eidetic Reduction

Fernando Tunhas, Jornal de Notícias

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August 5th, 1965

Ernesto de Sousa: Your Body is My Body (1965-1975)

Paula Pinto

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Vanguard and Other Praises

Mariana Pinto dos Santos, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim  


Ernesto de Sousa: Utopia and Vanguard in Portugal

David Santos, Arqa nr. 20

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July/August 2003

The Ways of the Vanguard

Celso Martins, Expresso

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A Rare Example in a Country without Masters

Augusto M. Seabra, Expresso

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October 15th, 1988

The Great Agitator

Rui Mário Gonçalves, Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias

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October 11th, 1988

Ernesto de Sousa: A passionate Master

Rui Ferreira e Sousa, O Jornal Ilustrado

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August 14th, 1987

Ernesto de Sousa: the Sense of Writing

José Luís Porfírio, Expresso (Actual)

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March 19th, 1983

The Word and the Letter at Portugal's Pavillion

Gilo Dorfles, alfabeta and (In)Finda (Hors-Série da revista Fenda)

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Alternativa Zero, Visual Arts, what an Idea!

Eduardo Prado Coelho, Opção 

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March 10th, 1977

Thicknesses of Thought: Ernesto de Sousa and the Circle of Kierkegaard

Miranda Justo, Ernesto de Sousa: Revolution My Body, Lisbon, FCG

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Perspective: Alternativa Zero, Twenty Years Later...

João Fernandes, Perspectiva: Alternativa Zero, Porto, Fundação de Serralves

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Going back to the Beginning

Rui Eduardo Paes, Almada, um Nome de Guerra, Lisbon, ACARTE/The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

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April, 1994

Ernesto de Sousa: Photography Cycle

Delfim Sardo, Ciclo Fotografia Alemã Fotografia Portuguesa, Lisbon, Goethe Institute

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February, 1992

Dom Roberto by Ernesto de Sousa

Regina Guimarães, Encontros em torno de Ernesto de Sousa, Revolution My Body (org. João Sousa Cardoso), Porto, Caldeira 213

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October, 2000